Dinghy Hire
The Club maintains a fleet of over 20 dinghies available for hire to members for casual sailing, racing or participation in training programmes.
All Boats must be reserved and paid for in advance through by emailing the office or by calling us on 01243 512918
Rules for Dinghy Hire
The Hirer Must:
- Be a member, qualified to Stage 3 RYA Youth Sailing Scheme or Level 2 National Sailing Scheme or equivalent, unless participating in Club training with a coach.
- pay the hire charge and the deposit before being given access to the dinghy.
- not use the dinghy for any commercial purpose.
- check that the boat and equipment is complete and in good condition using the form overleaf before taking to the water and report any discrepancies immediately
- be aware of the local conditions and weather. Boats should not be taken out if Cambermet is showing wind strengths in excess of Force 4 (17 knots) unless a coach is supervising.
- return the dinghy in the order shown in the instructions.
- report any damage or loss immediately on returning the dinghy
- not sail outside the safe designated area of the Club, that is N of the racing buoys Longmore and Westlands and S of Dell Quay.
The hirer is responsible for the safety and actions of anyone using the dinghy and for any damage or loss to the CYC club dinghy or any other craft as a result of their use of the dinghy. The cost of repairs, losses or replacement parts will be deducted from the deposit. The deposit will not be returned until the boat has been checked, and this may not be on the same day.