RYA First Aid
23rd March, 09:30 - 17:30
RYA First Aid gives you some knowledge so that in a medical emergency, you may be able to save lives, especially when you are in a remote location or at sea. This course is unique, as it is aimed at water sports enthusiasts and small craft operators, it takes a realistic look at the levels of First Aid that can be performed in a yacht, powerboat, dinghy or ocean rowing boat. Our instructors fully appreciate the difference between conventional First Aid and RYA First Aid (where the ambulance may not be just ten minutes away). The course fulfils the First Aid Training requirements for
- Yachtmaster COC holders operating up to 60 miles from a safe haven
- Advanced Powerboat COC holders
- World Sailing offshore race crew (cat 1, 2 events)
- Most ocean rowing events
- Lifeboat Helms operating under the MCA Rescue Boat Code
- RYA Instructors (any discipline)
- Watersports Instructors (most disciplines)
- Minimum age 13