Winter Woollies in Cowes
By dint of scheduling this cruise to Cowes a week later than in 2024, we have re-established our situation as the Winter Woollies rather than the Autumn Tints! The ex-Commodore is organising that one, I believe. I am still optimistic that this Cruise will NOT be cancelled due to weather this year 4th successful year in a row… Eighteen (18) berths are already provisionally booked at the Cowes Yacht Haven for Saturday night. Why change what seems to be a successful (and popular) formula ? So, on Saturday, with High Tide at Chi Harbour Entrance at 15.05 and 4.77m, we will have an afternoon sail with the tide for most of us; a pontoon party in the early evening and a group dinner somewhere. With luck, this will again be a group meal at the Island Sailing Club. More details nearer the date. On Sunday, a relaxed morning start should allow most boats to get home soon after high tide. More details, including a Friday evening briefing if needed, will be much nearer the time. Please contact me if you have any questions.